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Ons 29/2-2012 09.34
Opfordrer til løsladelse af to iranske fagforeningsmedlem-

ITF opfordrer Ayatollah Khamenei til at bruge den iranske nytårslejlighed (21/3)
til at løslade to fagforeningsaktivister.

28 February 2012

ITF pushes for Madadi and Shahabi release

The ITF has told Ayatollah Khamenei that the approach of the Iranian New Year provides an ideal time to release Ebrahim Madadi and Reza Shahabi.

In a letter to Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei, ITF general secretary David Cockroft stated:

“You will be aware that I have had cause to write to you and your government several times, not least in order to protest against the court proceedings against Reza Shahabi and the continuing imprisonment of Ebrahim Madadi, two members of our affiliated trade union the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company.

We have been informed that, despite his ill health, Reza Shahabi was returned to Evin prison on the 14th of February after sixty-two days in hospital without any surgery, and he is expected in court on February 29th. He has been in prison since June 2010, during which time he has been denied the substantive medical treatment he requires.

Ebrahim Madadi’s term in prison is due to end in mid-April. On November 30th last year he was freed and then rearrested despite having spent three years in jail and, indeed, much of the last seven years in custody.

We do not know if his inexplicable rearrest in November was a due to a bureaucratic error or if it was an attempt to punish him - but either way it was an unacceptable infringement on his rights and liberty. Like the continuing imprisonment of the increasingly ill Reza Shahabi, it is an injustice that is crying out to be righted.

As you know we are close to the Iranian New Year, which provides a perfect opportunity to unconditionally release both men

I trust that you will act on this important matter and ensure that the police and the justice system are not used to condemn workers for legitimate trade union activities.”



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